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How are lab grown diamonds made?

Discover the two processes that'll help you answer the questions "How are lab-grown diamonds made?", CVD and HPHT.

process 1
Lab Grown Diamond Engagement Ring | Lab Grown Diamonds Jewellery | Man Made Diamonds Rings | Earthly

Selective Seed Placement Artistry Ensured

Our lab experts select the finest quality diamond seeds. It is most important to select seeds without any imperfections.

Lab Grown Diamond Engagement Ring | Lab Grown Diamonds Jewellery | Man Made Diamonds Rings | Earthly

Advanced CVD Growth Reactor Technology

The diamond seed-laden disk is placed in a state-of-the-art growth reactor, where the Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) process works its magic.

process 2
process 3
Lab Grown Diamond Engagement Ring | Lab Grown Diamonds Jewellery | Man Made Diamonds Rings | Earthly

Controlled Growth Carbon Rain and Mastery

In a span of 10 to 12 weeks, a controlled environment enables carbon atoms to rain upon the seeds, aided by gases, pressure, and temperature.

Lab Grown Diamond Engagement Ring | Lab Grown Diamonds Jewellery | Man Made Diamonds Rings | Earthly

Cultivated Diamonds Identical Properties Achieved

Through the CVD process, rough diamonds are grown to possess identical chemical, physical, and optical properties as mined diamonds.

process 4
process 5
Lab Grown Diamond Engagement Ring | Lab Grown Diamonds Jewellery | Man Made Diamonds Rings | Earthly

Exquisite Craftsmanship Stunning Cultivated Gems

Rough diamonds are expertly cut and polished to create stunning cultivated gems of exceptional beauty.

Lab Grown Diamond Engagement Ring | Lab Grown Diamonds Jewellery | Man Made Diamonds Rings | Earthly

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